吕峥,男,1988年9月出生,博士。主要研究方向为轻合金压力加工、金属凝固过程及组织控制、腐蚀与防护以及高温摩擦磨损。主持国家自然基金青年基金1项、湖南省自然科学基金1项、参与主持973预研专项、企业委托项目等科研基金项目6项,在《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Corrosion Science》、《Oxidation of Metals》等国内外重要期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。
1. 金属凝固过程及组织控制;
2. 金属高温腐蚀与防护;
3. 高温摩擦磨损。
1. 含硼高铬铸铁高温摩擦学特性研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目编号52005176,在研;
2. Fe-Cr-B-Al合金高温摩擦学特性研究,湖南省自然科学基金项目,项目编号2020JJ5180,在研;
3. 新型抗磨 Fe-B 合金高温氧化-磨损交互行为研究,湖南教育厅科研项目,项目编号18C0349,在研。
[1] Zheng Lv, Hanguang Fu, Jiandong Xing, Shengqiang Ma and Ying Hu. Microstructure and crystallography of borides and mechanical properties of Fe-B-C-Cr-Al alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 662 (2016) 54-62.
[2] Zheng Lv, Hanguang Fu, Jiandong Xing, Shengqiang Ma and Ying Hu. Influence of boron contents on oxidation behavior and the diffusion mechanism of Fe–B based alloys at 1073 K in air. Corrosion Science. 108 (2016) 185-193.
[3] Zheng Lv, Hanguang Fu, Jiandong Xing, Zhifu Huang Shengqiang Ma and Ying Hu. Isothermal and dynamic oxidation behavior of Fe-B based alloys at 927 K. Oxidation of Metals. Accepted.
[4] Jiang J, Fu H, Zheng Lv, et al. Effect of quenching on microstructure and wear‐resistance of Fe–10Cr–1.5 B–2Al Alloy[J]. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 2016, 47(9): 822-830
[5] Feng Kai, Hao Yuan, Huang Xiaofeng, Ma Ying, Lv Zheng, Li Weiliang. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-x%Zn-(Al) Alloy. Foundry. Vol.62. No.2.
[6] Zheng Lv, Jiandong Xing, and Yimin Gao. Effect of semi-solid forming on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of AZ65 magnesium alloy. Sino-Russian International Symposium on New Materials and Technologies. Kunming, China, 2013.11.
[7] Zheng Lv, Jiandong Xing, Hanguang Fu, Ming Zheng, Dapeng Shao. The influence of Al element on the mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of Fe-Cr-B-Al alloys. Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength 2016.09 (2016)